Andrew Dean & Terri Dean
506 W. Noble Avenue
Box #29
Bushnell, FL 33513
Email: Telephone: 352-502-0162 $200 song release.
Print this entire form on your printer, complete, mail to address above with song(s) and fees.
NITE*SKY International will proudly distribute this digital release to Radio Program Directors, DJs, journalists, magazines, promoters, booking agents and other key people in the business IN 20+ COUNTRIES. Promotion of your single will last one month. This is a great career opportunity, one you will NOT want to pass up. WE DO NOT guarantee airplay; however, we can say that NITE*SKY International is respected by radio DJ's around the world and receiving very good airplay currently. Quality... One of the biggest complaints Radio Programmers have concerning single releases they receive from independent artists is the fact that the music is not "Radio Ready". There are specific details and specifications that Program Directors & DJ's look for and need, and if the release doesn't meet these criteria, they simply won't play the song. Here at NITE*SKY International, we have been committed from the very beginning to supply our Radio Stations with the very best product and always attempt to exceed the "Industry Standards". Call now and let NITE*SKY International release your next digital single.
Fill out completely, (Print clearly or type) Form Rev. 02/2020
ARTIST NAME _________________________________________________________________
SONG TITLE ___________________________________________________________________
SONGWRITER _________________________________________________________________
AFFILIATION (BMI, SOCAN, ASCAP, SESAC, etc) ___________________________________
PUBLISHER ___________________________________________________________________
LENGTH OF SONG (MINUTES / SECONDS) ______________________________
NITE*SKY International is providing a digital song release and promotion service for potential radio play. You, the artist, are responsible for any royalties, licensing, permissions, and liabilities associated with this digital song release. You, the artist, also retain all rights to your material. The song remains the property of the songwriter. NITE*SKY International is only acting as a digital song release and promotion entity.
Proof of Mechanical Release is REQUIRED if you are covering another songwriter/artist song.
Are you the owner of all song writing/publishing rights? YES ___ NO* ___
If No, have you secured those song writing rights? YES ____ NO ___
I affirm that all information provided herein is true and that all materials are properly licensed for distribution under the terms of the original rights holder(s) with proof of such licensing and/or trademark authorization attached. I affirm that I am the intellectual property rights owner for all contents indicated as being "owned" and approve of distribution. I agree to abide by the current version of the Anti-Piracy Compliance Program procedures and standards of the International Recording Media Association. We reserve the right to refuse the processing of any order not complying with the Anti-Piracy Compliance Program guidelines.
Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ________________
Print name: __________________________________
Mailing Address___________________________________ Email __________________________________________
_______________________________________________ Website_________________________________________
_______________________________________________ Telephone ______________________________________
Enclose check or money order payable to ANDREW DEAN * for FULL AMOUNT and a CD with your track. PAYMENT now accepted online via to
* be sure to make check or money order payable to: ANDREW DEAN, or your submission may be subject to return